This March it was snowing, which I think most people would find odd, but it also gave me the idea of how it was still before spring and there were still some few days of winter left. So I had decided to make myself a warm brew of hot chocolate, but I wanted to prepare one that was particularly unique and special to the rest to close off this year's winter season with a perfect soothing delight. Here's a video on how to make a delicious homemade hot chocolate;
(here's the link if the video doesn't work;
(here's the link if the video doesn't work;
I know, that woman has a really monotone voice... Anyway, I haven't used this method before, my way for making hot chocolate is way simpler; I heat a mug of milk in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, and add about 2 spoonfuls of cocoa powder and stir. I also add a scoop Cool Whip on top for an extra treat. So, I tried making the hot chocolate in this video to see how it differs with mine, and hope that it really is as good as it's depicted to be. That's the picture of mine on the left. It's too bad I didn't have any chocolate I could use on top though. Still, after I made the hot chocolate and tried it, I was amazed about how delicious it was! The primary difference it made between my original hot chocolate and this one was probably the cinnamon sprinkled on top. It added a very satisfying taste that was sweet and made a cozy feeling. I would like to try it again some time and maybe add small marshmellows or whip cream with chocolate syrup. If you have ever ordered a hot chocolate from Tim Horton's, they have whipping cream with chocolate syrup, and it really tastes good. I'd like to find out if combining the video's hot chocolate with Tim Horton's hot chocolate will create the perfect hot chocolate that I've been looking for. Don't get me wrong, this hot chocolate I've made has been the best cup of hot chocolate I've ever had, and I recommend you try it at home, it's really easy to make and takes no time at all! Whatever the perfect ingredient to hot chocolate is, there's no better beverage to enjoy at home in the cold months of winter.
I like your idea of different additions. My favourite is a bit of cinnamon, and even a tiny touch of chili powder!